
two days...

I hate when my internet breaks... And it breaks all the time!!! It's awful!!
Well, life. Yesterday my theatre teacher gave us a light talk on preparation. We've been unprepared for the past week or so, which is unacceptable, but true. Yesterday we were all finally prepared. The assignment was to memorize Sonnet 64. ((sidenote: I'm really glad I wrote down a list of topics to talk about, since I would have forgotten otherwise)) There were some really amazing performances. Bottom line? Just be prepared.

I figure everyone who reads this is a friend and knows where I go to school, but just in case, I go to a performing arts school and I take three theatre classes. In theatre you have to let go, surrender to the text and character. You can't describe it any other way. It's hard to find, but you just have to go for it. It's not easy, but it's a fact. The thing is, once you've found it, life isn't easy from then on. You have to continue finding it, continue working for the freedom. You can't stop striving for that release, because when you do, you're giving up on your art. And if you give up on your art, then you shouldn't be in the art in the first place. Trying to figure it out is one thing, but if an art is your passion you can't give up on it, because you're hurting others' progress as much as your own. Art is meant to express feelings, and if you can't fully give yourself to the art, you aren't fully reaching your potential as an artist. In order to do that, you've got to let go.

I feel like I'm going to talk about movies a lot on here. Movie: Shakespeare in Love. I was thinking about it and the actor who portrays Shakespeare did a great job, considering. But while he was writing, I felt the script could have been more detailed, or the actor himself could have made different decisions. In the movie, the words just come to him out of nowhere. Even if the motivation was love. There's a huge difference between word vomit and contemplated thoughts. Perhaps Shakespeare really was just a complete genius and the words came naturally to him without any thought, but in my experience writing, if you truly care about what you're saying, you think about the words and phrases. Especially when writing in iambic pentameter, or with a rhyme scheme. Word vomit is more conversational. Listen to people in casual conversation and it'll become obvious that half the time, words come out of their mouths before they even register what they're saying. Then listen to people talking about an educational topic, and notice how they think through what they say before saying it. You can see it in most people's faces. They may be looking at the person speaking, but their minds are elsewhere. Making sure what they say sounds sufficiently intelligent.

Chemistry is awful. I don't understand why anyone would ever want to go into chemistry, but that's just my opinion. I absolutely despise my Honours Chemistry class. I shouldn't be required to learn things like the molar mass of Calcium Acetate. No one. Cares. I understand that people who go into things like chemistry are brilliant and they make significant scientific advances for the community, but I hate it. After I finish school, I can almost guarantee that I will never have to know half of the information I have to memorize. Performing arts does not call for skills like that. Go ahead and study chemistry. But don't force your information upon me.

Isn't timing amazing?  I find it so spectacular to think about what happens at specific times. Small things in the day that you don't normally experience, and if you had been one minute earlier or one minute later, you would have missed it? I love thinking about how fortunate I've been to be there for so many small miracles. Do you believe in miracles? I definitely do, perhaps not in the sense of gods turning water into wine, but natural miracles, definitely. Rainbows, for example. I understand that there's a science to every miracle, but why would I ever want to fully understand them? Time allows you to be privileged enough to view these events, and you go and try to recreate them? No. Each miracle is a gift, and you should treasure it while it's special. If you are able to see something every day, then that joy from seeing it is stripped away. Then there are those times when you just know you were meant to be there for a specific reason.

I was able to watch my friend, Angie, do a great thing today. We were on our way from coffee to drop another friend off at school for a rehearsal and we passed a woman on the street who was having some difficulties. She wasn't wearing shoes and she had one plastic grocery bag in her hand. As we were stopped at an intersection, she fell over. It looked as though she were having a heart attack. Angie jumped out of the car to see if she could help. The woman, obviously drunk, just kept saying, "No..." and tried to get up several times. The bag was filled with shot glasses. After trying to help several more times, Angie called the police to get the woman help. It's so sad to see what people's lives have come to because of intoxication. On the other hand, it's so beautiful to see someone who cares so much about life to change people like this. If everyone were like Angie, the world would be a beautiful place. Unfortunately, when most of today's society sees someone highly intoxicated like this woman was, they simply frown and shake their heads and do nothing about the matter. It's simple deeds like this that can change the course of a person's life forever. Then again, people like Angie are just like the aforementioned miracles. If everyone were like that, it wouldn't be as special to see someone helping a drunk woman on the side of the street.

Let's wrap today's blog up with a statement:
Find a friend who makes you happy no matter what, and hold them close. Don't care what other people say, don't care what people think. If you're happy, that's what really matters. You have a lot to learn from others, and you need to be open to those experiences. carpe diem. It's not an order, it's just a fact.

As one last thought, the stars hold as many answers and thoughts as the wind. Angie talks constantly about Astrology, and there's so much wisdom in it. I'm a Leo. Horoscopes often pinpoint my moods. But again, don't try to figure it out. It's better as a miracle.

We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.
//Carl Gustav Jung.
audio ventus.

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